Eurotech Maritime Academy (HO)
Eurotech Maritime Academy (HO) Information
- Kochi, India
- (91)4844046415
Courses Offered by Eurotech Maritime Academy (HO)
- 2nd Mate Function
- Advanced Fire Fighting (AFF)
- Advanced Fire Fighting (Refresher Course)
- Advanced Shipboard Management (ASM)
- Advanced Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations
- Advanced Training for Oil Tanker Cargo Operations
- ARPA (Automatic Radar Plotting Aids)
- Augmentation Course for Fire Fighting
- Basic Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations
- Basic Training for Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations
- Chief Mate- Phase I
- Chief Mate- Phase II
- Deck Up gradation ( Management Level)
- Deck Up gradation (Operational Level)
- Designated Security Duties
- ECDIS Course
- Elementary First Aid (EFA)
- Engine Room Simulator (Management Level)
- Engine Room Simulator (Operational Level)
- Engineer’s Up gradation (Operational Level)
- Engineer’s Up gradation ( Management Level)
- ETO Bridging Course
- Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting (FPFF)
- Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting (Refresher Course)
- GMDSS General Operator's Certificate (GOC)
- Liquid Cargo Handling Simulator (Oil)
- Medical Care Onboard Ship
- Medical Care Onboard Ship (Refresher Course)
- Medical First Aid (MFA)
- Medical First Aid (Refresher Course)
- MEO Class II Preparatory Course
- Passenger Ship Familiarization (PSF)
- Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities (PSSR)
- Personal Survival Techniques (PST)
- Personal Survival Techniques (Refresher Course)
- Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats other than Fast Rescue Boats (PSCRB)
- Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats other than Fast Rescue Boats (Refresher Course)
- Radar ARPA & Navigation Simulator Course (RANSCO)
- Radar Observer Course (ROC)
- Ship Security Officer (SSO)
- Ship Security Officer (SSO) (Refresher)
- Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork
- Specialized Training for Gas Tanker (GASCO)
- Specialized Training for Oil Tanker Operations (TASCO)