Radar Observer Course (ROC)
The Radar Observer Course (ROC) is a training which is highly recommended for all watch keeping personnel and is mandatory for navigational officers working on vessels furnished with radar equipment. Course is compliant with STCW A-II/2 and A-II/1 training requirements.
• Personnel who successfully complete Radar Observer Course (ROC) carry profound understanding of radar objectives and capabilities.
• It is expected that officers and ratings holding the ROC certificates will be able to set up and operate radar correctly so as to minimize the risk of collision and maneuver vessel safely using radar equipment.
• Understand factors which might affect radar performance and accuracy of information obtained.
Course content:
• Radar objectives and principles of work;
• Setting up and maintaining of radar displays;
• Conditions which influence radar signals and accuracy;
• Techniques to distinguish between false and true echoes;
• Radar plotting techniques;
• Position fix operating radar equipment;
• Parallel indexing;
• Situational awareness with the use of radar;
• Vessel maneuvering and collision avoidance;
• Rules of the Road.
Assessment: Course assessment includes a multiple choice test and simulator exercises.
Target Audience: Masters and navigational officers of all ranks, ratings forming a part of navigational watch, pilots.
Pre-requisites: None.
Duration: 5 days.
• The name of the course may vary in different countries even in English translations i.e. Radar Basic, Radar Operator, Radar Simulator, Radar Observer Unlimited and so on. Check STCW references and course content.
• The majority of training providers offer the combination of radar based courses. In some cases it might be both time-saving and more effective to take up trainings such as Radar Navigation and ARPA; Radar, ARPA, Bridge Teamwork and Search and Rescue;Radar Navigation, Radar Plotting and Use of ARPA, etc.