Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats other than Fast Rescue Boats (Refresher Course)
The aim of the course is to renew competence in life-saving equipment such as survival crafts and rescue boats. The Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats other than Fast Rescue Boats (Refresher Course) training complies with STCW 2010 table A-VI/2-1 and IMO Model Course 1.23 and consists of both classroom and practice parts.
The expected positive outcomes of the course are:
• Trainees demonstrate high level of competence in launching and operating survival craft or rescue boat after the simulated ship abandonment;
• Students are able to start and operate the engine of survival craft as well as take care of the survivals after the launch;
• Acquired competence of efficient work with other life-saving appliances;
• They also manage to communicate their position by using VHF radio, special apparatus or pyrotechnics.
Course content:
• Ship abandonment procedures;
• Survival craft and rescue boat launching arrangements;
• Drills in launching and recovering inflatable rescue boats;
• Evacuation and recovery of survival craft and rescue boats;
• Instruction when clear of the vessel;
• Operating survival craft and rescue boats in stormy conditions;
• Instruction upon boarding the survival craft;
• Helicopter assistance in rescue operations;
• Practical exercises with radio equipment: conveying position;
• First medical aid and management of survivors.
Assessment: There is a written examination at the end of the test. Trainees also are required to participate actively in all practical session and discussions to be obtain the Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats other than Fast Rescue Boats (Refresher Course) certificate.
Target Audience: Marine personnel assigned to act as coxswain or to launch and operate a survival craft or rescue boat in an emergency situation.
Pre-requisites: Medical Fitness Certificate and Basic Safety Training (BST) course certificate.
Duration: 1/2 – 3 days.
Note: Some training centers provide several Routes for refreshing Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats other than Fast Rescue Boats (PSCRB) initial certificate. The difference between them usually is only in the length of the training. Thus, Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats other than Fast Rescue Boats (Refresher Course) Route 1 takes 1/2 day while Route 2 course’s duration is 1 or 2 days in various training centers.