GMDSS General Operator’s Certificate (GOC)
The GMDSS General Operator’s Certificate (GOC) training is designed in compliance with STCW A-IV/2 requirements and provides the highest radio operator qualification. Certificate is acknowledged on all types of sea-going vessels and offshore installations furnished with GMDSS equipment in any of the GMDSS Sea areas (A1 – A4).
The goal of the course is to provide essential skills and knowledge to operate satellite communication equipment, radiotelephones and shipboard distress equipment professionally on any type of vessels or MOU.
Course Content:
• GMDSS regulations and guidelines;
• Overview of SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea) code and practical radio operations connected with saving of life at sea i.e. transmission and reception of distress signals;
• GMDSS equipment and its operation (Satellite Systems, MF/HF Transceivers (Single Side Band), MF/HF NBDP – Narrow Band Direct Printing Modems, VHF DSC – Digital Selective, NAVTEX Receivers, etc.;
• VHF Radio Telephones communications, sending telexes and conducting other operations.
Assessment: Course includes written test (radio procedures) and simulator exercises (voice distress and GMDSS equipment operation).
Target Audience: Deck officers.
Pre-requisites: Most training centers require fluent English and knowledge of phonetic alphabet to enter the course.
Duration: 8 – 15 days in different training centers.