Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training (BOSIET)
The aim of the Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training (BOSIET) course is to provide new comers to offshore industry with the awareness of the specific hazards related to the offshore installations and vessels as well as safety systems which are in place there. Delegates also are familiarized with the survival techniques connected with the transfer to and from offshore worksites.
Upon the completion of Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training (BOSIET) delegates will be able to:
• Identify potentially dangerous situation on the offshore worksite and prevent them;
• Have acquired knowledge of key offshore safety regulation and implement them on offshore installation;
• Use safety equipment e.g. EBS correctly, prepare to and perform helicopter escape safely and efficiently;
• Demonstrate sea survival and effective first aid skills;
• Operate firefighting equipment properly and perform self rescue including situation of obscured visibility.
Course Content:
• Safety Induction Module;
• Fire Fighting and Self Rescue;
• Sea Survival incl. First Aid Techniques;
• Helicopter Safety and Escape incl. EBS (Emergency Breathing System).
Note: Last module might also include such topics as CA-EBS (Compressed Air Emergency Breathing System), Escape Chute Training (ECT) or Travel Safely by Boat (TSbB) modules.
Target Audience: All personnel starting career in the marine Oil and Gas industry.
Pre-requisites: None.
Validity: 4 years.
Important: There are additional requirements for Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training (BOSIET) certificate to work in the North Sea Sector (UK, Norway, Denmark and the Netherlands). CA-EBS or Escape Chute Training might be required; please refer to the Mutual Recognition of Basic and Refresher Safety and Emergency Preparedness Training agreement, Annex B for the guidance.