SMTC Asia Information
- OPITO Approved Provider
- Miri, Malaysia
- (60) 85-656 022
Courses Offered by SMTC Asia
- Authorized Gas Tester Level 1 (OPITO)
- Basic Offshore Safety Emergency Training (Initial and Refresher) - Petronas approved
- Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training (BOSIET)
- Basic Safety Training (BST)
- Breathing Apparatus Training Course
- Confined Space Entry
- Fire Marshal and Emergency Controller/On-Scene Commander
- Fire Team Member/Leader (Initial/Refresher)
- Further Offshore Emergency Training (FOET)
- H2S Emergency Response Team
- H2S Training
- Marine Advanced First Aid
- Offshore Emergency Response Team Member (OERTM)
- Offshore First Aid
- Travel Safely by Boat (TSbB)
- Tropical Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training (TBOSIET)
- Tropical EBS - OPITO approved
- Tropical Further Offshore Emergency Training (TFOET)