SEQU Offshore Safety Sdn Bhd
SEQU Offshore Safety Sdn Bhd Information
- OPITO Approved Provider
- Petaling, Sabah, Malaysia
- (60) 3 7804 4676
Courses Offered by SEQU Offshore Safety Sdn Bhd
- Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training (BOSIET)
- BOSIET WITH CA-EBS & BOSIET with rebreather & TSbB
- BOSIET with Travel Safely by Boat (TSbB)
- Bridging Elements Training (In conjunction with T-BOSIET / T-FOET to BOSIET / FOET)
- Compressed Air Emergency Breathing System (CA-EBS)
- Emergency Breathing System (EBS/ In conjunction with T-BOSIET / T-FOET / THUET)
- FOET with CA-EBS
- FOET WITH CA-EBS & FOET with rebreather & TSbB
- FOET with EBS and Travel Safely by Boat (TSbB)
- Further Offshore Emergency Training (FOET)
- Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET) non-OPITO
- HUET with CA-EBS
- HUET with CA-EBS & HUET with rebreather
- T-FOET & Further Travel Safely By Boat
- T-FOET & Travel Safely By Boat
- T-FOET with EBS
- T-FOET with EBS & Further Travel Safely By Boat
- T-FOET with EBS & Travel Safely By Boat
- T-HUET & Travel Safely By Boat
- T-HUET with EBS & Travel Safely By Boat
- TBOSIET with Travel Safely by Boat (TSbB)
- Travel Safely by Boat (TSbB)
- Travel Safely by Boat Further Training (TSbB-FT)
- Tropical Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training (TBOSIET)
- Tropical Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (THUET)