Radar, ARPA, Bridge Teamwork and Search and Rescue (Management Level)
The Radar, ARPA, Bridge Teamwork and Search and Rescue (Management Level) training course in developed for the senior bridge officers to enhance their radar navigation and plotting skills. The course program complies with the Section A-II/1 of the STCW Code and IMO Resolution A-II73 requirements and includes theoretical and practical simulator sessions.
The key purpose of the Radar, ARPA, Bridge Teamwork and Search and Rescue (Management Level) course is to train delegates to use radar as an effective ship handling tool allowing safe and collision free navigation even in the most confided and crowded waters. During the training participants learn to use radar and ARPA to take correct navigational decisions regardless of weather conditions, perform difficult collision avoidance maneuvers, work with bridge team and carry out SAR operations.
Course content:
• Radar navigation and ARPA controls;
• Radar plotting;
• ARPA and radar navigational information as a collision avoidance tool, COLREG 1972;
• Factors affecting radar plotting;
• Blind pilotage techniques;
• Search and Rescue operations planning and conduction.
Assessment: Each training center has got its own assessment standard. Most often it will be computer based test e.g. Delta Navigator and simulator –based exercise.
Target Audience: Masters, Chief Officers, harbor Masters, etc.
Pre-requisites: Valid Radar Navigation, Radar Plotting & Use of ARPA (Operational Level) course certificate and a minimum 24 months of sea-going experience as an OOW.
Duration: 4 – 5 days.