Navigator Courses
It is no secret that in addition to the standard list of certificates appropriate to the rank ship-owners or contractors usually come up with their own training requirements for the crew. Meanwhile, there is a constant tendency for raising competence and minimizing human factor influence. All these create a highly competitive working environment and a steady demand for training especially Navigator Courses.
This type of Marine Training is in particular need due to the rapid development of navigation and radio technologies and their introduction onboard. Onshore, they are sometimes simulated with the help of state-of-the-art full mission bridges which reconstruct atmosphere of the real vessel and allow learning to use navigation equipment and go through all possible faults and emergencies safely and consequences free. This group includes GMDSS Courses, ECDIS Course, Automatic Identification Systems (AIS), Ship Handling and Maneuvering, Radar Simulator and Plotting, ARPA, ECDIS Type Specific Course and a lot more important trainings.
Another reason why so many deck officers turn to marine simulation centers for post-graduate education is management courses such as Bridge Team Management (BTM) and Bridge Resource Management (BRM) or Maritime Resource Management, Leadership and Managerial Skills, etc. At present the first two are included in almost all officers’ training requirements list due to fact that efficient bridge teamwork with enhanced ship handling provided by these courses might prevent serious manmade incidents onboard and help to maintain good working relations in the small isolated community of a vessel crew. Next step is MRM which was launched on the base of BRM by the Swedish Club. It focuses on the cultural awareness, communication and decision making, crisis management, etc.; thus, the goal is to teach the trainees how to bring up a common working culture onboard which would assist a safe and efficient operation of the vessel.
All Navigator Courses
- Advanced Navigation
- Advanced Ship Handling
- Advanced Watchkeeping
- AppMate MTC605
- ARPA (Automatic Radar Plotting Aids)
- ARPA (Refresher Course)
- ASD Tug Handling Familiarization
- ASD Tug Handling Intermediate
- Automatic Identification System (AIS)
- Automation for Deck Officers
- Azipod Vessel Operation and Handling
- AZIPOD® (Podded Propulsion) Familiarization
- BNWAS Alarm System
- Bridge and Engine Resource Management (BERM)
- Bridge Resource Management – Assessment
- Bridge Resource Management – Tug
- Bridge Resource Management (Advanced)
- Bridge Resource Management (BRM)
- Bridge Resource Management (Leadership and Teamwork) at Management Level
- Bridge Resource Management (Leadership and Teamwork) at Operation Level
- Bridge Resource Management (Refresher Course)
- Bridge Resource Management and Bridge Team Management (BRM/BTM)
- Bridge Resource Management and Emergency Training (Course for Danish Pilots)
- Bridge Resource Management for Pilots
- Bridge Team Management (BTM)
- Bridge Team Management (Refresher Course)
- Bridge Watchkeeping (Refresher)
- Bridge Watchkeeping and Collision Avoidance
- Bridge Watchkeeping Refresher Training (BWRT)
- Celestial Navigation
- Celestial Navigation - Advanced (Management Level)
- Chart and Publication Updating Course
- Chartwork & Pilotage, Level 2 (CP/2)
- Chartwork and Navigation Safety (Watchkeeping Mate: FV less than 24m)
- Chief Mate/Master Assessments
- Chief Operator of Vessel Tracking Management System Course
- Chief Operator of Vessel Tracking Management System Course (Qualification Up-grade)
- Collision Regulation (COLREGs)
- Command & Control for ERRV Masters and Mates
- Command Assessment
- Communications, Level 1 and 2 (COM 1 and 2)
- Continuation Training
- Deck Familiarization Course
- Deck Machinery Course for Officers
- Deck Watchkeepingа
- Delta-GMDSS
- Delta-Navigator
- Dynamic Positioning Advanced / Simulator
- Dynamic Positioning Basic / Induction
- ECDIS (Refresher Course)
- ECDIS Based Passage Plans
- ECDIS Course
- ECDIS Course with AIS
- Electronic Navigation Systems
- Electronic Navigation Systems – Fishing
- Emergency Procedures (Operational Level)
- Engineer of Vessel Tracking Management System Course
- FPSO/SBM Berthing Master Training
- Full Mission Simulator Consultancy/Research
- GMDSS Electronic Navigation System
- GMDSS General Operator (GOC) Refresher Course
- GMDSS General Operator (GOC) Short Refresher Course
- GMDSS General Operator's Certificate (GOC)
- GMDSS Restricted Operator (ROC) Refresher Course
- GMDSS Restricted Operator (ROC) Short Refresher Course
- GMDSS Restricted Operator (ROC) Upgrade to GMDSS General Operator (GOC) Certificate
- GMDSS Restricted Operator's Certificate (ROC)
- Gyro Compass Preventive Maintenance Course
- Ice Navigation (Advanced Training)
- Ice Navigation (Basic Training)
- Ice Navigation (CBT)
- Ice Navigation Course (Polar Code) Combined
- Ice Observers Radar and ARPA
- Individual Life-Saving Techniques - Renewal (ITR)
- Integrated Bridge System
- Introduction to Navigating with a Global Positioning System
- K-Bridge ECDIS Familiarization Course
- K-Bridge Operator Course incl. ECDIS Fam.
- Large Vessel Ship Handling
- Magnetic & Gyro Compasses
- Magnetic Compass Setting up Training
- Maneuvering when Mooring Vessel to the Vessel
- Marine Pilotage Training
- Maritime Digital Services (MDS)
- Master - Pilot Relationship
- Meteorology (Advanced)
- Meteorology (Operational Level)
- Meterology for Safe Navigation in Tropical & Extra Tropical Storms
- Mooring of Large-Capacity Tanker to Submerged Turret Loading (STL) System
- Mooring of Large-Capacity Vessels Using Laser Systems
- Navigation Aids and Equipment Simulator Training - Management Level
- Navigation Aids and Equipment Simulator Training - Operational Level
- Navigation Audits *In cooperation with Lloyd's Register - Marine Training Services
- Navigation Control Course(NCC)
- Navigation Skills Development
- Navigation with the Pilot in Poor Visibility Conditions
- Norwegian International Register (NIS) Familiarization for Ship Masters
- Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch (OICNW) (Assessments Only)
- Offshore Vessel Ship Handling
- Organization of Ship Navigation
- Panama Canal Training Course
- Passage Planning
- Passage Planning and Electronic Navigation Systems
- Polar Waters Ship Operation in Accordance with the STCW 78 Convention
- Port Pilots - Professional Development
- Practical Bridge Watchkeeping for Prospective Officers (PBWPO)
- Practical Deck Skills
- Professional Development - Ship Simulation
- Qualified Assessor Deck
- Radar / ARPA Management Simulator Refresher
- Radar ARPA & Navigation Simulator Course (RANSCO)
- Radar Navigation at Management Level
- Radar Navigation at Operational Level
- Radar Navigation, Radar Plotting & Use of ARPA
- Radar Navigation, Radar Plotting & Use of ARPA (Operational Level)
- Radar Observer Course (ROC)
- Radar Observer Recertification
- Radar Plotting Course (Refresher Course)
- Radar, ARPA, Bridge Teamwork and Search and Rescue (Management Level)
- Refresher Course for Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch – Electrical Part
- River Radar Course (Radar Navigation on Inland Waterways)
- Rules of the Road
- Safe Mooring Operation (SMO)
- Safe Mooring Practice
- Safe Operation of the Vessel at Low Temperatures and in Ice
- Safety of Passengers and Cargo, Hull Integrity of Ro-Ro Passenger Ships
- Salvage – A Practical Guide
- SAR Operations
- Ship Construction and Basic Stability
- Ship Handling and Maneuvering
- Ship Handling and Maneuvering – Management Level
- Ship Handling and Maneuvering (Refresher Course)
- Ship Handling and Maneuvering When Mooring at Sea (Ship-to-Ship)
- Ship Handling in Restricted Waters
- Ship Handling of ASD Tugs
- Ship Handling with Bridge Team Management (BTM)
- Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork
- Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork (Practical Assessment)
- Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork (Refresher Course)
- Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork with BRM
- Ship Stability and Trim
- Ship Stability and Trim for Bulk Carriers
- Ship Stability and Trim for Containers
- Ship to Ship Training (STS)
- Ship's Radiotelephone Operator
- Shipboard Command and Control
- Shipboard Operation for Deck Officers (BULK CARRIERS)
- Shiphandling and Maneuvering in Critical Conditions
- Shiphandling for Vessels fitted with High Lift Rudders
- Ships Handling and Maneuvering in Terms of Ice Navigation
- Simulator Training for Pilots on Mooring Large Ships to Different Terminals
- Simulator Training on Mooring Operations in a Specific Port
- Special Training for Navigators to Operate without a Pilot in the Compulsory Pilotage Areas
- SQA Operate non ECDIS Electronic Chart Systems
- SQA Use of Radar in Code Vessels
- Steering Course
- Target Tracking Devices
- Visual Communication
- Visual Communications (Flashing Light)
- Voith Water Tractor Tug Handling Familiarization
- Watch standing Skills Standardization & Assessment Program
- Weather Routing
Advanced Navigation
Advanced Ship Handling
The Advanced Ship Handling course is built on the base of the initial Ship Handling and Maneuvering training and is mainly targeted at 2nd and 3rd Mates upgrading their qualification to the level of the Chief Mate and Master. The course program complies with the requirements of STCW 2010 and 46 CFR requirements. Objective: The […]
Advanced Watchkeeping
AppMate MTC605
ARPA (Automatic Radar Plotting Aids)
The ARPA (Automatic Radar Plotting Aids) is a mandatory course for deck officers of all ranks serving on vessels equipped with ARPA system. The course is STCW A-II/2 and A-II/1 compliant and provides the all-round understanding of system’s operational principles and navigational techniques. Objective: In the course of the ARPA (Automatic Radar Plotting Aids) training […]