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NOGEPA 1.4 Gas Measurement - Maritime & Professional Training

NOGEPA 1.4The 1-day NOGEPA 1.4 Gas Measurement training is developed for personnel designated to conduct gas measurements in confided spaces of wind turbines. The course is open for all levels of specialists i.e. managers, supervisors and providers of Permit to Work.


Upon completion of the NOGEPA 1.4 Gas Measurement course participants will develop essential skills to carry out gas measurements in suspicious working areas according to NOGEPA requirements, obtain vital safety knowledge of work in hazardous environment.

Course content:

• Gas measurement strategy, procedures and rules;
• Gas detecting equipment;
• Interpretation of results;
• Procedures according to measurement results;
• PPE and safety precautions;
• Practical tasks.

Assessment: there are theoretical and practical exams at the end of the course.

Target Audience: Managers, supervisors, permit providers.

Pre-requisites: None.

Duration: 1 day.

Validity:  4 years.

Note: Also check Authorized Gas Tester Level 1 (OPITO) course.

Training Centers Offering This Course

The Netherlands (6)

Amsterdam, Den Oever, Maasvlakte, nl

Schiphol Amsterdam, Ijmuiden, Dordrecht, nl