Helicopter Training
In times when offshore operations go farther into the sea it has become almost impossible to conduct personnel transfer without helicopters. This has entailed the need of developing the particular course category – Helicopter Training which would ensure safety and order in the proceedings. Offshore Petroleum Industry Training Organization (OPITO) has an inclusive program to cater for the demands of the industry.
This program starts from the Helideck Assistant, HDA (Helicopter Deck Assistant) Initial Training and Helicopter Landing Officer (HLO) trainings. They include familiarization with Helideck Regulations and Guidelines, landing zones, Helideck hazards, cargo and passenger handling.
Next step is HDA Helideck Emergency Response Team Member (HERTM) Training. It consists of classroom and practical parts during which students learn about emergency pre-planning, safety equipment of helicopter and Helideck and practice to deal with fire- and non fire-related emergencies. Some helicopter involved accidents might be disastrous in their consequences, so dealing with them requires profound training. After HDA HERTM many companies ask for further training on the same level (Further HDA HERTM); and only then can officer proceed to the next level.
The HLO Helideck Emergency Response Team Leader (HERTL) Training gives the highest qualification in this category. The course aims to give trainees knowledge to lead their Helideck Emergency Response Teams during various Helideck related emergencies, understand their types and be able to manage them efficiently; recognize human factor role and cope with it. This training also comes with further version (HLO HERTL).
Another important Helicopter training in this group is Helicopter Refueling course. The course program includes actual fuel sampling, quality control, helicopter refueling, dealing with contamination, etc.
All Helicopter Training
- Combined Course HLO / Search and Rescue / Small FRC - Refresher
- Combined Course Search and Rescue Team/HLO Refresher
- Combined Course Search and Rescue Team/HLO/MOB Boat Refresher
- Compressed Air Emergency Breathing System (CA-EBS)
- Damage Control Team with Helicopter Familiarization
- Dangerous Goods by Air
- Escape Chute Training (ECT)
- Further Offshore Helideck/Emergency Response Team Member (COERTM R)
- HDA and HERTM Further Training
- Helicopter Deck Assistant
- Helicopter Fire Fighting
- Helicopter Landing Assistant
- Helicopter Landing Officer (HLO)
- Helicopter Landing Officer (HLO) Further Training
- Helicopter Marshall
- Helicopter Operations at Sea
- Helicopter Refueling
- Helicopter Safety Course
- Helicopter Underwater Escape and Sea Survival (HUESS)
- Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET)
- Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET) non-OPITO
- Helicopter Underwater Escape Training & Wet Dinghy Drill
- Helideck Assistant (HDA) Initial Training
- Helideck Assistant Further Training (HDA FT)
- Helideck Emergency Response Team Leader (HERTL)
- Helideck Emergency Response Team Member (HERTM)
- Helideck Emergency Response Team Member (HERTM) Further Training
- Helideck Radio Operator (CAA)
- Helideck Team Training
- HLO / HBB without Breathing Air - HLO/HBB zonder Ademlucht
- HLO, Search and Rescue, Combined Course - Refresher
- HUET (Helicopter UW Escape)
- NOGEPA 1.1A & 2.6A Helicopter Landing Officer & Member Fire-fighting & Rescue Team Offshore
- NOGEPA 1.1A Helicopter Landing Officer
- NOGEPA 1.3A Helicopter Deck Assistant
- NOGEPA 1.3B Helicopter Deck Assistant
- NOGEPA 2.9A Helicopter Firefighting
- NOGEPA 2.9B Helicopter Fire Fighting
- Officer in Charge of Shipboard Helicopter Operations
- Offshore Emergency Helideck Team Leader (OEHTL)
- Offshore Emergency Helideck Team Member (OEHTM)
- Offshore Flight Safety Attendant
- Offshore Helicopter Safety
- OPITO Combined Helideck & Offshore Emergency Response Team Member (OERTM/HERTM)
- T-HUET – Tropical Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (DPR)
- Tropical Helicopter Underwater Emergency Training (THUET with/without (CA-EBS)
- Tropical Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (THUET)
Combined Course HLO / Search and Rescue / Small FRC – Refresher
Combined Course Search and Rescue Team/HLO Refresher
Combined Course Search and Rescue Team/HLO/MOB Boat Refresher
Compressed Air Emergency Breathing System (CA-EBS)
This training was developed by OPITO specialists in order to ensure that offshore personnel that have to travel by helicopter on the regular basis are familiar with the principles of usage and possible hazards of the Compressed Air Emergency Breathing System (CA-EBS). Objectives: In order to successfully complete the training and be granted a certificate […]
Damage Control Team with Helicopter Familiarization
Dangerous Goods by Air
Escape Chute Training (ECT)
In an offshore industry escape chutes are used as an emergency exits from the mobile installation and vessels. So, OPITO has developed an addition Escape Chute Training (ECT) which contains detailed information about escape chute systems and instructions of their operation. Objectives: The aim of the training is to provide students with an understanding of […]