Well-known Bridge Resource Management (BRM) training originates from airline industry. It was cited that seemingly small defects in bridge management led to major human mistakes and catastrophic maritime accidents throughout the world. As a result, Bridge Resource Management (BRM) was developed on the base of airline’s CRM training. It meets STCW Table A-II/I requirements and is aimed on creating safer and more efficient working environment onboard.


• Students who successfully pass the training should be able to maintain continual situational awareness aboard.
• Anticipate dangerous situations; recognize and break error-chains should they occur.
• Create a comfortable interpersonal atmosphere by introducing effective communicational practice.
• Deal with possible inter-cultural or national issues that might affect general operation of the vessel.
• Ascertain an appropriate leadership style to ensure efficient teamwork onboard.
• BRM training also addresses issues of workload, stress and fatigue; therefore trainees learn to delegate tasks correctly in order to minimize the chance of human error as a result of overwork or tension.

Course content:

• General Bridge Resource Management (BRM) principles;
• Situational awareness;
• Communications module;
• Leadership and teamwork;
• Workload, fatigue and stress management;
• Human factor in marine industry;
• Risk Assessment;
• Decision making tips;
• Effective watchkeeping practice;
• Emergency situations case studies.

Assessment: There is a continual assessment during the course.

Target Audience:  All navigational officers, pilots.

Pre-requisites: OOW Certificate of Competency and some nautical experience.

Duration: 3 – 4 days.

Note: Maritime Resource Management (MRM) is the updated version of BRM course. At present both trainings have the same status in the syllabus, but MRM provides an enhanced program and includes new terminology.

Training Centers Offering This Course

USA (9)

Edmonds, Washington, us

Fairhaven, Massachusetts, us

Jacksonville, Fl, us

Norfolk, W Virginia, us

San Diego, CA, us

The Netherlands (3)

Groningen, nl

Rotterdam, nl

Canada (3)

Summerside, PE, ca

Vancouver, Burnaby, British Columbia, ca

Denmark (2)

Brøndby, dk

UK (2)

Southampton, gb

Portugal (1)
Mexico (1)

Ciudad de México, mx

South Africa (1)