Crowd and Crisis Management Refresher Training
The syllabus of the Crowd and Crisis Management Refresher Training differs a lot from one training provider to another. Some centers create the course based on the STCW Regulation V/2 par.1 and 3 i.e. Crowd Management and Crisis Management and Human Behavior; other providers add topics complying with paragraphs 2 and 4 of this Regulation as well (Direct Service to Passengers in Passenger Spaces and Cargo Safety and Hull Integrity).
The goal of the Crowd and Crisis Management Refresher Training is to revise material received throughout the initial course and practice skills that it is impossible to acquire during the routine safety drills onboard.
Course content:
• Ship specific emergency procedures;
• Team practices in application of ship emergency procedures;
• Dealing with stress and panic;
• Means of behavior control;
• Leadership skills, decision making in a crisis situation;
• Communication between crew members in an emergency onboard;
• Passenger assistance, positive influence and encouragement;
• Leaks prevention and control.
Note: Check syllabus or STCW regulations used for the course depending on your Company’s requirements to the certificate prior to submitting for the course.
Assessment: delegates of the Crowd and Crisis Management Refresher Training are continually assessed during the course; however some providers offer written examination as well.
Target Audience: Masters, Nautical and Engine Officers, crew, company safety personnel and all staff designated to take charge over passengers’ safety on muster list.
Pre-requisites: valid initial Crowd and Crisis Management certificate and Basic Safety Training certificate, also in-date.
Duration: 1 day.