Marine Accident Investigation and Root Cause Analysis
This is a 2-day intensive training for marine personnel designated to conduct investigations of onboard incidents or accidents concerning a vessel. The Marine Accident Investigation and Root Cause Analysis course program includes elements of the IMO Model course 3.11 and meets requirements of TMSA Element 8 and DPA Element 3.
The key learning objective of the Marine Accident Investigation and Root Cause Analysis training is to develop skills of complex incidents investigation indentifying the root cause of the incident not just the causal factor in order to prevent occurrence of a similar maritime accidents in future.
Course content:
• Basic principles of incident investigation, terminology of marine accidents;
• Management of investigation;
• Data collection, prioritizing and keeping;
• Data analyzing techniques;
• Root Cause Analysis, its capabilities and limitations;
• Identifying root causes;
• Developing recommendations, report writing tips.
Target Audience: Marine personnel who might be involved in marine investigation i.e. Superintendents, Masters, Chief Engineers, DPAs, Port Captains, Maritime administration staff, etc.
Pre-requisites: Some shipping experience would be a credit.
Duration: 2 – 3 days.