All Value Added Courses

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Advance Food & Hygienic Certificate

Advanced Hydraulic Course

Advanced Marine Hydraulics

AMOS-Windows Software

Ballast Handling Operations

Behaviour Based Safety

Berthing Simulator

Bridge Resource Management (BRM)

Well-known Bridge Resource Management (BRM) training originates from airline industry. It was cited that seemingly small defects in bridge management led to major human mistakes and catastrophic maritime accidents throughout the world. As a result, Bridge Resource Management (BRM) was developed on the base of airline’s CRM training. It meets STCW Table A-II/I requirements and is aimed […]

Bridge Team Management (BTM)

An important course in the navigational officer’s training scheme targeted mainly at bridge procedures and passage planning. The Bridge Team Management (BTM) complies with STCW A-II/1, A-II/2, A-VIII/2, B-I/12, B-VIII/2 guidelines and helps optimize bridge operations and minimize human error factor. Objectives: • Bridge Team Management (BTM) course enhances trainees’ skills in voyage planning and continual […]