STCW Courses
No nautical training is possible nowadays without STCW courses or their analogue. The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) was first adopted in 1978 to provide the unitary training system for seafarers from all over the world. Since then, document has been amended twice (in 1995 and 2010) to embrace changes in maritime industry.
The first Section of the convention is dedicated to the Basic Safety Training (A-VI/1-1) which is mandatory for all ranks and includes 4 courses: Personal Survival Techniques, Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting, Elementary First Aid and Personal Safety and Social Responsibility. As a rule, safety training occupies the whole week; and there is an assessment at the end of the course. Refresher BST is required as well.
Another popular training in the family of STCW courses is Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats other than Fast Rescue Boats (A-VI/2) developed to train seafarers to launch and navigate survival crafts and rescue boats; use location devices and manage survivors. There is also Refresher version of this course as well as separate training called Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats (A-VI/2-2).
The third in the list of mandatory STCW certificates is Advanced Fire Fighting course (A-VI/3). On this level of fire fighting training the premium is put on the ability to lead the fire team and control fire fighting process; investigate the causes of fire, prepare reports and prevent future emergencies. Refresher course might be combined with other compulsory STCW trainings.
Manila Amendments of 2010 have added security courses to the STCW courses list. So now Security Training for All Seafarers (A-VI/6-1) and Designated Security Duties (A-VI/6-2) might be found in the curriculum of training centers throughout the world. The first one is targeted at seafarers without specific security responsibilities and is built on Ship Security Plan. Upon completion the course, trainees are expected to contribute to the vessel’s security by recognizing weapons, explosive devices and behavior that might threaten ship’s security. Meanwhile, the latter training is designed for those who would together with the appointed Ship Security Officer perform active protection of the vessel. In addition to the revision of the previous course, they are given knowledge of security measures onboard, contingency plans, and crowd and crisis management.
All STCW Courses
- Advance Fire Fighting (upon request)
- Advanced Fire Fighting (AFF)
- Advanced Fire Fighting (AFF) and Medical Care Onboard Ship
- Advanced Fire Fighting (Periodical Tests of Skills and Knowledge)
- Advanced Safety Training
- Advanced Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations
- Advanced Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations
- Advanced Training for Oil Tanker Cargo Operations
- ARPA (Automatic Radar Plotting Aids)
- Basic Safety Training (BST)
- Basic Safety Training Week (4 usual + Security Awareness Training for All Seafarers)
- Basic Sea Survival, First Aid & Fire Fighting
- Basic Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations
- Basic Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations
- Basic Training for Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations
- Basic Training for Oil Tanker Cargo Operations
- Certificate of Proficiency in Ships Cook
- Chemical Tanker Familiarization
- Combined Basic and Advanced Fire Fighting
- Combined Medical First Aid and Medical Care Onboard Ship
- Company Security Officer
- Company Security Officer (CSO)
- Crane Operator Course (incl. Practice)
- Crane Operator Course (Only Theory)
- Crew Training package
- Crisis Management and Human Behavior Training
- Crowd Management Training
- Dangerous, Hazardous and Harmful Cargoes (HAZMAT)
- Designated Security Duties
- Elementary First Aid (EFA)
- Elementary First Aid (Refresher Course)
- Fast Rescue Craft
- Fast Rescue Craft (FRC)
- Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting (FPFF)
- Free-fall Lifeboat
- Free-fall Lifeboat Familiarization
- General Rigging & Scaffolding
- High Voltage Course
- Leadership and Managerial Skills
- Life Boat On-Load Release Gear Awareness Systems
- Medical Care Onboard Ship
- Medical First Aid (MFA)
- Offshore Health, Safety & Environment (OHSE)
- Other Certificates STCW: Rescue Boats and Advanced Fire Fighting - Otros certificados STCW: Botes de Rescate y Avanzado Contraincendios
- Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety and Hull Integrity on RO-RO Passenger Ships
- Passenger Ship Familiarization (Part 1 to 3)
- Passenger Ship Familiarization (Part 1 to 6)
- Passenger Ship Safety
- Passenger Ships Training
- Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities (PSSR)
- Personal Survival Techniques (PST)
- Personal Survival Techniques (PST) & Rescue Boat Course (PSCRB)
- Port Facility Security Officer
- Port/Marine Facility Security Officer
- Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the Maritime Sector (PADAMS)
- Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats (FRB)
- Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats other than Fast Rescue Boats (PSCRB)
- Radar Navigation, Radar Plotting & Use of ARPA
- Radar Navigation, Radar Plotting & Use of ARPA (Operational Level)
- Radar, ARPA, Bridge Teamwork and Search and Rescue (Management Level)
- Rigging & Scaffolding Basic Level 2
- Rigging & Slinging
- Ro-Ro Passenger Ship Training
- Sea Survival
- Security Awareness Training for All Seafarers
- Security Awareness Training for All Seafarers (Course Summary)
- Security Awareness Training for All Seafarers and Designated Security Duties
- Security-Awareness Training for All Seafarers
- Ship Master’s Medicare
- Ship Safety Officer (Including Canada Labour Code (CLC) Health & Safety Representative Training)
- Ship Safety Officer (Refresher Course)
- Ship Safety Officer (SSO)
- Ship Safety Officer and Company Security Officer (CSO)
- Ship Security Officer
- Ship Security Officer (Crew)
- Ship Security Officer (NON DG) – Officer
- Ship Security Officer (SSO)
- Ship Security Officer's Course
- Ship Security Officers
- Ship Security Training
- Ships Security Officer (SSO)
- Specialized Training for Chemical Tanker Operations (CHEMCO)
- Specialized Training for Oil Tanker Operations (TASCO)
- STCW 95 (Mandatory)
- STCW Deck Officer Refresher Course
- STCW New Entrant Week Package
- Tanker Familiarization
- Trade Test Certificate (TTC)
- Updating Officers in charge Course for Engine Function 1 - PART A
- Upgrade from NOG Basic Safety Training to STCW Basic Safety Training
Advance Fire Fighting (upon request)
Advanced Fire Fighting (AFF)
The course is designed to provide advanced fire fighting training in accordance with STCW ’95 code A-V1/3. Objective: By completing the course participants are expected to demonstrate profound fire fighting skills and knowledge of necessary equipment as well as acquire some advanced fire preventive techniques to reduce the risk of fire accidents onboard. Course Content […]
Advanced Fire Fighting (AFF) and Medical Care Onboard Ship
Advanced Fire Fighting (Periodical Tests of Skills and Knowledge)
Advanced Safety Training
Advanced Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations
The Advanced Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations training program is developed in account with STCW Regulation V/1-1-5, Chapter V, table A-V/1-1-3 and IMO Model Course 1.04 for the Senior Deck and Engine Staff as well as key Deck rating personnel involved in cargo handling of bulk chemical cargos. Objectives: • Upgrade knowledge of Management […]
Advanced Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations
The Advanced Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations course complies with chapter V Regulation V/1-2, chapter V Section A-V/1-2.2 and table A-V/1-2-2 of the 2010 STCW Code as well as IMO Model Course 1.06 and is developed to provide advanced training for the Senior Management and operational personnel of LNG tankers. Objective: Provide comprehensive […]
Advanced Training for Oil Tanker Cargo Operations
The Advanced Training for Oil Tanker Cargo Operations course is based on the regulation V/1-2 paragraph 3 and section A-V/1, paragraph 2.2 of the STCW Code and guidelines of IMO Model Course 1.02. Program is majorly targeted at Masters, Chief Officers, Chief Engineers and Second Engineers and other personnel responsible for cargo handling on board […]
ARPA (Automatic Radar Plotting Aids)
The ARPA (Automatic Radar Plotting Aids) is a mandatory course for deck officers of all ranks serving on vessels equipped with ARPA system. The course is STCW A-II/2 and A-II/1 compliant and provides the all-round understanding of system’s operational principles and navigational techniques. Objective: In the course of the ARPA (Automatic Radar Plotting Aids) training […]