Vetting Inspections (Bulkers)The Vetting Inspections (Bulkers) as per Rightship Requirements course is developed to provide understanding of vetting agenda and proceedings as per Rightship Requirements. The course program includes information regarding types of vessels which are subject to undergo Rightship vetting inspection, frequency of such controls, important criteria, etc.


The key objective of the Vetting Inspections (Bulkers) as per Rightship Requirements training is to familiarize participants with the Rightship dry bulk inspection so as to enable them to use it as a convenient instrument of the vessel condition evaluation or make adequate preparations to it when onboard.

Course content:

• Introduction to Rightship inspection;
• Cases for the inspection;
• Rightship inspection proceeding;
• Health and Wellness Assessment;
• Conclusions list.

Target Audience: Management level officers, representatives of dry bulk shipowning companies.

Pre-requisites: None.

Duration: 1 day.

Training Centers Offering This Course

Greece (2)

Thessaloniki, Patra, gr