
Dive Medical Technician

The Dive Medical Technician is an important training focused on diver specific injures and hyperbaric chamber treatment. The course program also includes theoretical modules, gas physics review and practical assessment and treatment session. The training tends to be physically demanding too since some modules are taught in the hyperbaric chamber when it is under pressure. […]

Emergency Medical Technician

First Aid at Work + O2 Admin

First Aid at Work Renewal + O2 Admin

HSE Offshore Medic

The HSE Offshore Medic course is an official training requirement under the Offshore Installations and Pipeline Works (First Aid) Regulations 1989 for designated medical personnel employed on the offshore installations in the UK waters. The course is a blend of classroom-based lectures and practical sessions in local hospitals. Objective: On completion of the HSE Offshore […]

HSE Offshore Medic Refresher

The HSE Offshore Medic Refresher training must be completed every 3 years according to UK HSE requirements to ensure high level of competence among the offshore medical personnel in the UK sector. The course takes two weeks with 5 days reserved for the theory revision and 10 days for placement in Primary Care and Emergency […]

IMCA Diver Medic Technician

The IMCA Diver Medic Technician is an advanced training in first medical aid and life support for management and treatment of diving casualties both during diving operations and in hyperbaric chamber. Objective: The main learning objectives of the IMCA Diver Medic Technician course include: • Introduction to diving and hyperbaric chamber operations; • Performance of […]

IMCA Diver Medic Technician Refresher

According to the IMCA certification scheme the IMCA Diver Medic Technician Refresher training must be completed within the 3-months period before the expiration of the initial IMCA Diver Medic Technician certificate. There is also 8 weeks period after the expiry date, but it is reserved for the emergency circumstances. Objective: The key objective of the […]